Highcharts Examples
Line charts
Basic line
Ajax loaded data, clickable points
With data labels
With annotations
Time series, zoomable
Spline with inverted axes
Spline with symbols
Spline with plot bands
Time data with irregular intervals
Logarithmic axis
Line chart with 500k points
Area charts
Basic area
Area with negative values
Stacked area
Percentage area
Area with missing points
Inverted axes
Area range
Area range and line
Sparkline charts
Column and bar charts
Basic bar
Stacked bar
Bar with negative stack
Basic column
Column with negative values
Stacked column
Stacked and grouped column
Stacked percentage column
Column with rotated labels
Column with drilldown
Fixed placement columns
Data defined in a HTML table
Column range
Pie charts
Pie chart
Pie with legend
Donut chart
Semi circle donut
Pie with drilldown
Pie with gradient fill
Pie with monochrome fill
Scatter and bubble charts
Scatter plot
Scatter plot with 1 million points
Bubble chart
3D bubbles
Synchronized charts
Column, line and pie
Dual axes, line and column
Multiple axes
Scatter with regression line
Advanced timeline
Styled mode (CSS styling)
Styled mode column
Styled mode pie
Dynamic charts
Spline updating each second
Click to add a point
Master-detail chart
Update options after render
Responsive chart
Live data from dynamic CSV
3D charts
3D column
3D column with null and 0 values
3D column with stacking and grouping
3D pie
3D donut
3D scatter chart
Gauge series
Solid gauge
Activity gauge
Gauge with dual axes
VU meter
Bullet graph
Heat and tree maps
Heat map
Large heat map
Tile map, honeycomb
Tree map with color axis
Tree map with levels
Large tree map
More chart types
Polar chart
Wind rose
Parallel coordinates
Wind barb
Vector plot
Box plot
Error bar
Variable radius pie
Bell curve
Funnel chart
Pyramid chart
Polygon series
Pareto chart
Sankey diagram
X-range series
Word cloud
General drawing